CBD Oil for Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re looking for CBD oil for dogs, you likely already know that it’s just one of the many ways that this natural plant compound can be used to improve your pet’s life. You might also know that there are still some questions about just what the best dosage is for your fur baby. The good news is that these answers are becoming easier to find, and should you decide to give CBD oil for dogs a try, you can be confident that your furry friend is in good hands.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, which is an all-natural organic compound found in hemp and cannabis plants (Cannabis Sativa). The compound itself has no psychoactive effects. Scientists have recently discovered the potential health benefits of CBD, and especially in relation to pets, research has shown that it can be used to control pain, seizures, inflammation, arthritis symptoms and even cancer cells. However, the best benefit might just be due to its power as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Specific Conditions Commonly Treated With CBD for Dogs

CBD oil has long been reported to help dogs who suffer from a variety of ailments, including seizures and cancer. It’s important to note that if your dog is suffering from any kind of chronic illness, you should first visit your veterinarian before giving them CBD oil for dogs . They can best advise you on the right dosage and which condition it might help the most. Here’s a little more information on specific conditions that can benefit from treatments with CBD oil for dogs:

CBD Oil Dosage for Dogs

As with any type of medication, there are multiple factors to consider when figuring out the proper dosage of CBD oil for your dog. You will need to take many different things into account, including their age, weight and your current goal of treatment. You will benefit most from working closely with a veterinarian that has experience in giving CBD oil for dogs to pets. They will be able to help you find the best dosage based on your dog’s size and needs.

How Do I Give My Dog CBD Oil?

As the publish on https://www.kitsapdailynews.com/national-marketplace/best-cbd-oil-for-dogs-2021, giving CBD oil for dogs can be done in a variety of ways. If you purchase an oil or tincture, the dosage can be placed directly into your dog’s mouth, ideally with food to avoid any potential stomach problems. Another option is to make your own CBD oil for dogs using hemp seed oil (most other types won’t work), which will require you to add the proper ingredients to your dog’s food. You can also give them CBD-infused treats, such as carob or molasses, although the correct dosage of CBD is harder to control with this option and you may need to use larger quantities than if using oil or tinctures.

Is There Any Downside?

You might be wondering about some of the potential side effects of CBD oil. Although there are very few cases of negative reactions, some have reported drowsiness, fatigue or stomach issues after giving their dogs CBD oil for dogs . Any potential side effects are typically mild and will not hinder your dog’s daily activities. Overall, most experts agree that CBD oil for dogs is safe to use with very few side effects, making it an ideal alternative treatment.

Before trying any type of herbal supplement on your dog, you should always consult your veterinarian first. After all, they are the best source of information about your pet’s health and wellness, and can help you find a dosage that is best for their needs.


As more people discover the benefits of CBD oil, do yourself a favor and give it a try today! Your furry friend will be able to enjoy their days with increased comfort thanks to this wonderful natural supplement, without any of the nasty side effects that traditional medications might have.